
Authors are listed in alphabetical order by the last name, unless an asterisk(*) is indicated.


  1. MHz2k: MPC from HE over $\mathbb{Z}_{2^k}$ with New Packing, Simpler Reshare, and Better ZKP [Eprint]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Keewoo Lee
    41st Annual International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO 2021)

  2. Lattice-based Secure Biometric Authentication for Hamming Distance [Eprint]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Joohee Lee, Junbum Shin, Yongsoo Song
    26th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2021)

  3. Flexible and Efficient Verifiable Computation on Encrypted Data [Eprint]
    Alexandre Bois, Ignacio Cascudo, Dario Fiore, Dongwoo Kim
    24th IACR International Conference on Public-Key Cryptography (PKC 2021)

  4. Efficient Homomorphic Comparison Methods with Optimal Complexity [Eprint]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim
    26th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
    (ASIACRYPT 2020)

  5. Authenticated Computation of Control Signal from Dynamic Controllers
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Junsoo Kim, Seungbeom Lee, Hyungbo Shim
    59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020)

  6. Numerical Methods for Comparison on Homomorphically Encrypted Numbers [Eprint]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Hun Hee Lee, Keewoo Lee
    25th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
    (ASIACRYPT 2019)

    Award: Invited to Journal of Cryptology (Top 3 of 71 accepted papers among 307 submissions)

  7. Reusable Fuzzy Extractor with Practical Storage Size [Eprint]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Jinhyuck Jeong, Dongwoo Kim, Jongchan Lee
    23rd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2018)


  1. Amortized efficient zk-SNARK from linear-only RLWE encodings
    Heewon Chung, Dongwoo Kim, Jeong Han Kim, Jiseung Kim
    Journal of Communications and Networks, 1-14 (2023)

  2. Optimized Privacy-Preserving CNN Inference With Fully Homomorphic Encryption
    *Dongwoo Kim, Cyril Guyot
    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 18, 2175-2187 (2023)

  3. Interactive Proof for Rounding Arithmetic
    Shuo Chen, Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Daejun Park
    IEEE ACCESS 10, 122706-122725 (2022)

  4. Comparison of encrypted control approaches and tutorial on dynamic systems using Learning With Errors-based homomorphic encryption [Arxiv]
    *Junsoo Kim, Dongwoo Kim, Yongsoo Song, Hyungbo Shim, Henrik Sandberg, Karl H. Johansson
    Annual Reviews in Control 54, 200-218 (2022)

  5. On the Scaled Inverse of $(x^i-x^j)$ modulo Cyclotomic Polynomial of the form $\Phi_{p^s}(x)$ or $\Phi_{p^s q^s}(x)$ [Arxiv]
    Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim, Duhyeong Kim, Keewoo Lee
    J. Korean Math. Soc. 59 (3), 621–634 (2022)

  6. Efficient verifiable computation over quotient polynomial rings
    *Jai Hyun Park, Jung Hee Cheon, Dongwoo Kim
    Int. J. Inf. Secur. 21, 953–971 (2022)

  7. Privacy-preserving approximate GWAS computation based on homomorphic encryption [Eprint]
    *Duhyeong Kim, Yongha Son, Dongwoo Kim, Andrey Kim, Seungwan Hong, Jung Hee Cheon
    BMC Medical Genomics 13, 77 (2020)